This works fine when I play it in Quicktime or Safari.The stream is then uploaded to another server and it gets processed with this ffmpeg command: ffmpeg -i -y -f mp4 -pix_fmt yuv420p -c:v libx264 -c:a aac -filter_complex "scale='if(gt(iw,1920),1920,-1)':'if(gt(ih,1080),1080,-1)':force_original_aspect_ratio=decrease" -crf 20 -movflags faststart -max_muxing_queue_size 9999 -attempt_recovery 1 -max_recovery_attempts 3 -f mp4

Change the “newmergedvideo.mp4” value to the desired filename for the new merged video file. Type the following command to join the two MP4 video files:Ĭat namefirstvideo.mp4 namesecondvideo.mp4 newmergedvideo.mp4 l\Ĭhange the video name values to the actual names of the first and second clips to merge.

Press the “Enter” key.Ĭhange to the FFmpeg directory by typing “cd ffmpeg” and pressing “Enter.” Press the “Enter” key.Ĭopy the second file you want to merge to the FFmpeg directory by entering the following syntax:Ĭhange the “namesecondvideo.mp4” value to the actual filename of the second video you want to merge. Type the following command at the terminal prompt:Ĭhange the “namefirstvideo.mp4” value to the actual filename of the first video you want to merge.

Locate the filenames of two movie clips you want to merge into a single file. Type “ls *.mp4” at the terminal prompt and press “Enter” to display a list of MP4 videos in the Downloads folder. If you downloaded the videos from the Web into the default Firefox download directory, type “cd downloads” and press the “Enter” key. Use the “cd” command at the terminal prompt to change to the directory containing the videos you want to merge. Wait a few minutes for Linux to connect to the Web, download the FFmpeg installer package and then install the application on your computer. Type the following command to install FFmpeg on your computer: Press “Ctrl-Alt-T” to open a terminal window.