There are also several minigames and puzzles scattered throughout which must be completed to advance the plot. The bulk of the game involves Musashi fighting a variety of enemies, using both Fusion and Lumina, to save the kingdom from various threats (which range from fires breaking out, to an invasion of half-vampire, half-zombie monsters called Vambees), and to acquire five scrolls which increase Lumina's strength and grant Musashi new abilities. Nevertheless, Musashi is given the blade Fusion, and charged with the task of obtaining Brave Fencer Musashi's sword - Lumina, the Sword of Luminescence - before the Thirstquencher Army does. Fillet's intention was to summon the legendary Brave Fencer Musashi, who had saved the Kingdom from a monster called the Wizard of Darkness 150 years before she is therefore disappointed when she gets a small boy instead. While a digital re-release for North American consumers would be welcomed by fans of the game, it seems something must be holding this possibility up, otherwise it could have been easily made available on the North America PlayStation Store 10 years ago as well.The player controls Musashi, a boy summoned to the Allucaneet Kingdom by its Princess - named Fillet - to save it from the invading Thirstquencher Empire. The PSOne Classic version of “Brave Fencer Musashi” was released on the PlayStation store for Japanese customers just before its 10 year anniversary on July 9, 2008. While we could speculate that this means a re-release of the action game, perhaps as a PSOne Classic for the PlayStation Store, the video was not shared to the North America Square Enix YouTube channel. The video features artwork of classic characters from the game, including Musashi, Princess Fillet, and various townspeople and villains the player encounters with some of the most memorable musical tracks from the game playing at the same time.Īt this point, it seems that Square Enix is simply recognizing the PlayStation title’s milestone, as there are no announced plans for a new Musashi game as of yet.

The action title follows the titular main character, loosely based on the historical Japanese swordsman Miyamoto Musashi. The game would later be released in North America in October of 1998. Monday marks the 20th year anniversary since the title’s release in Japan on July 16, 1998. Square Enix released a commemorative video of “ Brave Fencer Musashi” on its official Japanese YouTube channel.